Birth Neoterist + The Future of Abortion
What is a Birth Neoterist? What do we value? How does this connect to abortion access?
Yesterday, the Roe v Wade draft opinion was unexpectedly released as I was attending the National Perinatal Association conference and hours earlier had listened to a presentation by Dana Sussman, JD, MPH of National Advocates for Pregnant Women named “What The End of Roe Means Beyond the Right to Abortion”. Although this draft is just that a draft, we know this also means the end of Roe has a high chance of being an actual possibility. To me, there is no better time to begin this adventure into Birth Neoterist framework I am creating and implementing into my work but before we begin this next phase together, it is important for me to define the role and values of a Birth Neoterist, especially in the horizon of having to redefine abortion access in a way many of us have not had to do in our lifetime.
Birth Neoterist Definition
Expanded from Neoterist: ”a person who is keen on innovation and novelty.” Source
A Birth Neoterist: a person who is forward-focused and dedicated to innovation and sustainability to create a pathway to a new reality for birth.
Birth Neoterist:
Understand the reproductive justice framework as the foundation and the path to collective liberation.
Utilize history as a way of supporting forward-focused thinking and creation of the future of birth.
Support the full spectrum of reproductive experiences and the variation of people having those experiences.
Prioritize an ongoing personal trauma healing practice for the well being of themselves and their community.
Design and implement innovative and sustainable systems to create a better future for all birthing people.
Birth Neoterist value:
People - ALL people (even the ones we don’t agree with and align with).
Knowledge - The more we know, the more we can create change.
Healing - This work can not be done sustainability without ongoing healing.
Equity - Recognizing imbalances and adjustments needed go beyond equality.
Innovation - Honoring what has existed and welcoming the new when needed.
Action - Using forward motion to better our systems and create impact.
As you spend time absorbing and values of Birth Neoterist, I want you to think about these questions in relation to what could be the new future of abortion access.
What does the future of abortion access include?
Think about what we have in action that is working and what isn’t. How do we support what’s working and create space for innovation to close additional gaps?
What are you willing to do to make that happen?
Think about your capacity to assist in this form of community care. Is it money, time, resources, etc? Everything counts.
How do we maintain our wellness while doing the work?
This work can not be done at its best if we are centering burnout instead of sustainability. How do we care for ourselves in order to take care of our community?
If you feel called, answer these questions below understanding that your answer is providing knowledge, hope and possibility for others.
Abortion access is community care!
Lastly, I want to thank you all for joining the Birth Neoterist newsletter. Look forward to different forms of content such as blogs, interviews, etc. We will also soon be looking for contributors to this space because this work can not be done in solitude!