Learning my algorithm has been essential to my sustainability. Your sustainability is important to me as well. When we start to attune to our needs, to our personal algorithm, to our bodies unique needs, strengths, when we begin to do the personal work to heal our own trauma, generational trauma, to relearn what it is to exist in this world, to be in community, then we ultimately bring more to the table (whether that be within ourself, or our personal and professional relationships). This workbook is designed to get you started on that journey. This workbook is is NOT a one and done thing but it is a space to intentionally make space for yourself, your needs and your healing. Happy learning!
Come join me on Circle! I’m expanding my offerings with a new platform called Found Free on Circle. Circle will allow me to connect with you more fluidly while also allowing for more content, education, and one-on-one spaces. Head to the link below to put yourself on the waitlist for Found Free, COMING SOON!