Episode Summary
Sabia interviews Amy Chen from the National Health Law Program about doula policy trends, challenges, and tips. Listen the audio above or read the transcript here.
For more info or to be added to the national Doula Medicaid listserv, contact Amy Chen at chen@healthlaw.org
Amy Chen is a Senior Attorney in the National Health Law Program’s California office, where she works on reproductive and sexual health law, policy, and advocacy. Her areas of expertise include coverage for contraception and pregnancy, expanding access to family planning services and abortion care, and addressing racial disparities in maternal health care. Since 2019, she has led the National Health Law Program’s Doula Medicaid Project, which advocates for expanding access to full spectrum doula care for all pregnant and postpartum people. Prior to joining the National Health Law Program, Amy worked as a direct legal services attorney at Bay Area Legal Aid in Oakland, California for eight years. Amy has three children and had doulas at all three of her births. One of her children was born premature and spent his first weeks of life in the NICU.
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doula, policy, medicaid, birth, maternal health, legal, benefit
Doula Policy with Amy Chen